Which is the Oldest Language in the World

In this article, we will know Which is the Oldest Language in the World. Top 10 list Whenever it is talked about the ancient languages ​​of the world, a debate has arisen because no one has yet found out which is the oldest Language globally. However, today we are going to tell you about the top 10 languages ​​which are considered ancient. But what is the age in these languages ​​is unknown to anyone, as you would also know that Language has developed along with human development because humanity used to communicate with these languages in earlier times.

Which is the Oldest Language in the World

These languages ​​were also born with the rise of human civilization; although there are many languages ​​in the world which have declined over time, some languages ​​are still flourishing today. For example, the English Language is the most popular Language globally, whose spokespersons will be found in almost all the countries of the world. Even though English is the Language of modern times, but it is not ancient because it originated from any other ancient language; it has got the status of official Language in our country too.

Which is the Oldest Language in the World?

If we talk about this whole world, then according to the UN report, the number of languages ​​in the world is 6809. Now so many languages ​​would not have been born simultaneously, but they would have originated from other languages ​​over time. But the 10 languages ​​that we are going to tell today are considered ancient, and many languages ​​have been born from them, so let’s know.

1. Latin Language

Latin Language
Latin Language

Latin is considered the official language of the ancient Roman Empire. Just as Sanskrit is regarded as the Language of the scriptures in our country India, similarly, it is the Language of Catholic Christians’ religious texts in Europe. You will find books written in all Christian religion, science, higher literature, philosophy, and mathematics in the Latin language. At present, most of the languages ​​of Europe, such as French, Italian, Spanish, Romanian, Portuguese, and the world’s most popular English, are also born from Latin.

2. Sanskrit

Latin Language
Latin Language

Sanskrit is a significant language of Hinduism; all the Hinduism texts today were written in Sanskrit itself. According to the archaeological department, it is considered to be about 3000 years old. In such a situation, Sanskrit is the oldest language of India; even though this Language has the status of India’s official language, but its number of spokespersons is significantly less. Now it is limited to paper only; today, we speak and listen to the modern form of Sanskrit, Hindi, and similar languages.

3. Tamil

Tamil Language
Tamil Language

For your information, tell Tamil is recognized as the oldest Language in the world. It is believed that Tamil was spoken about 5000 years ago. Approximately eight crore people speak Tamil, and it is said in India and spoken in Sri Lanka, Singapore, and Malaysia. Although Tamil is not so popular in North India, only about 1863 newspapers are published in Tamil.

4. Hebrew

Hebrew Language
Hebrew Language

Even if you hear a new language, it is about 3000 years old Language which has got the status of official Language in Israel. It was on the verge of extinction like the rest of the languages, but the Israelites revived it. It is believed that the Old Testament of the Bible was written in Hebrew and is considered the most sacred Language of the Jewish community.

5. Egyptian Language

Egyptian Language
Egyptian Language

Whenever we think of Egypt, the world-famous pyramids first come to our minds, but the Language here is older than the old pyramids. Yes, it is said that the ancient Language of the Egyptian country is 2600 years old from the Egyptian era; it appears inscribed inside the pyramids besides books.

6. Greek

Greek Language
Greek Language

How the civilization of Europe is considered the most modern today; its history is as old as that of Latin. Greek is also counted as the oldest Language of Europe, and even today, 13 million people speak Greek. It is believed to be 1450 years old from Christ; it is said in Greece, Albania, and Cyprus.

7. Chinese Mandarin

Chinese Mandarin Language
Chinese Mandarin Language

Mandarin is the Official Language of our neighboring country China and is also the most spoken Language in Languaged. It is also said in some countries of East Asia apart from China. About 1.2 billion people speak Mandarin, Chinese Language, it is believed to be around 1200 years old.

8. Aremic

Aremic Language
Aremic Language

Armenian was once the official Language of the Languagenian Republic but is now mixed into the Hebrew and Arabic languages. Today, the Arabic Language is the Language of Iraq, Iran, Syria, Israel, Lebanon, and modern Rome; while looking at its history, it is about 1000 years old.

9. Korean

Korean Language
Korean Language

It is the official Language of Languaged North Korea that binds the two countries. The Korean Language is spoken from around 600 BC, and currently, about 80 million people speak Korean. However, Korean is influenced by the Chinese Language becLanguageancient times, many Chinese people settled in Korea.

10. Armenian Language

Armenian Language
Armenian Language

It Language the official language of the Language of Armenia spoken by the Armenians. Its ancient presence is found in the Bible, written in the fifth century. It is believed that this Language oriLanguagein 450 BC About 5 percent of the people speak this ancient Language.

Language ten languages ​​mentioned above are ancient, but which is the oldest among them, it is still a complicated question, in such a situation, you cannot assume that one Language is Languages Language in Languaged. With the development of humans on the earth, different civilizations and their languages ​​were born in other parts.

Now you must know that Which is the Oldest Language in the World; there are very few of these ancient languages ​​used in colloquialism because people have adopted their easy type. Like, for example, the modern form of Latin, the English Language is famous worldwide. Similarly, Sanskrit has now been replaced by Hindi in India. However, some ancient languages ​​are still used today, such as Tamil, Korean, Chinese, etc.

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