What is Computer | Full and Basic Information | What is Cloud Computing | Computer Network and System

Here we will talk about what is computer and how to run a computer, Cloud Computing and Computer Network and System In simple language, a computer is an electronic device. You probably already know this answer. So you must be thinking, why again this article about which we already know everything.

Just wait. Today I want to tell you what is the basic Computer, you may know some of it in advance, but my motive is that you should be informed about the entire Computer and not half of it. I know you do the necessary computer information. But do you know how it works, who made it before, through which kisses it has passed? How many changes have been seen in the characteristics of computers in so many years?

The Computer that we are using today is the result of years of hard work of many scientists behind it. At the same time, with half the incomplete knowledge, you have the full experience. Today, I want to give you complete information about this machine along with what you call this article, what is the central part of it, what is the full form of Computer and how does it work. Then, let’s start the delay and know what a computer is.

1. What is Computer

what is computer

A computer is a machine that performs tasks according to specific instructions. There is an electronic device, which is designed to work with information. The word computer is derived from the Latin word “computer”. This means calculating or calculating.

It has three main functions. The first is to take the data, which we call Input, the second task is to process that data, and the other is to show the processed data, which is also called Output.

Input Data → Processing → Output Data

Who invented the Computer? The father of the modern Computer is called Charles Babbage. Because he was the first to design a mechanical computer, which is also known as the Analytical Engine, in this, data was inserted with the help of Punch Card.

So we can call a computer an advanced electronic device that takes raw data from the user in the form of Input, then processes that data through a program (set of Instruction) and finally the Result as Output Publishes. It processes both numerical and nonnumerical (arithmetic and logical) calculations.

What is the Full Form of Computer?

Technically there is no full form of Computer. Yet the Computer has an imaginary full form,

C – Commonly, O – Operated, M – Machine, P – Particularly, U – Used for, T – Technical and E – Educational, R – Research

History of Computer – Generation of Computer

It cannot be properly verified that the development of computers has been started since. But officially computer development has been classified according to generation. They are divided into five parts from the main tower.

When it comes to the generation of computers, then it means that computers’ generations. As the Computer grows, they are divided into different generations to make it easier to understand correctly.

1. First Generation of Computer – 1940-1956 “Vacuum Tubes”

The first generation of computers used Vaccum tubes for circuitry and Magnetic Drum for memory. They used to be very big. A lot of power was used to run them.

Being too big, it also had a lot of heart problems due to which it was even malfunctioned many times. Machine language was used in them—for example, UNIVAC and ENIAC computers.

2. Second Generation of Computers – 1956-1963 “Transistors”

In second-generation computers, transistors replaced vacuum tubes. The conductor took less space, was smaller, was faster, cheaper, and more energy-efficient. They used to generate less heat than the first generation computers, but there was still a problem of excitement in it.

High-level programming languages ​​such as COBOL and FORTRAN were used in them.

3. Third Generation of Computers – 1964-1971 “Integrated Circuits”

Integrated Circuit was first used in third-generation computers. In which the transistors were cut into small silicon chip called Semi-Conductor. Due to this, the ability to do computer processing increased to a great extent.

For the first time, monitors, keyboards, and operating systems were used to make computers of this generation more user friendly. It was first launched in the market.

4. Fourth Generation of Computers – 1971-1985 “Microprocessors”

It is typical of the Forth generation that Microprocessor was used in it. Thousands of integrated circuits were embedded into a single silicon chip. This made it very easy to reduce the size of the machine.

The use of microprocessors increased the efficiency of the Computer even more. This work was able to do a lot of calculations.

5. Fifth Generation of Computers – 1985-present “Artificial Intelligence.”

The fifth-generation belongs to today’s Dor, where Artificial Intelligence has established its dominance. Now, many new technologies like Speech recognition, Parallel Processing, Quantum calculations are being used in the latest technology.

This is a generation where, due to the Computer’s Artificial Intelligence, the ability to make decisions on its own has come. Gradually all its works will be automated.

Who invented Computer

Father Of Computer Charles Babbage

Father Of Computer Charles Babbage

Who is the father of modern Computer? Many such people have contributed to this Computing Field. But more of all, Charles Babbage contributed because he was the first Analytical Engine that came out in 1837.

The concept of ALU, Basic Flow Control, and Integrated Memory was implemented in this engine. Today’s Computer was designed by basing itself on this model. This is why his contribution is the highest. Then he is also known as the father of the Computer.

Definition of Computer

There are many components of any modern digital computer. Still, some of them are very important such as Input device, Output Device, CPU (Central Processing Unit), Mass Storage Device, and Memory.

accepts dataInput
processes dataProcessing
produces outputOutput
stores resultsStorage

How Does the Computer Work

1. Input (Data)

Input is the step in which Raw Information is inserted into the Computer using Input Device. It can be a letter, a picture, or even a video.

2. Process

The data input during the process is processed according to the Instruction. This is an entirely internal process.

3. Output

The data that has already been processed during the Output is shown in the Result. If we want, we can save this Result and keep it in memory for future use.

Also Read: Third Generation Computers – Images, Future & Advantage

Nominee Image of Basic Computer Units

Computer Parts

If you have ever looked inside a computer case, then you must have found that there are many small components inside, they look very complicated, but they are not that complicated. Now, I will give you some information about these components.

1. Motherboard

The main circuit board of any computer is called the motherboard. It looks like a thin plate, but it holds many things like CPU, memory, connectors for hard drive and optical drive, to control expansion card video and audio, along with all of the computer Ports connection. If seen, the motherboard is directly or indirectly connected with all parts of the Computer.


2. CPU / Processor

Do you know what is Central Processing Unit i.e., CPU? It is also called. It is found in the motherboard inside the computer case. It is also called the brain of the Computer. It keeps an eye on all the activities that are within a computer. The higher the speed of a processor, the faster it will be able to do the processing.

CPU / Processor

3. RAM

We also know RAM as Random Acess Memory. This is the short term memory of the system. Whenever the Computer does some calculations, it temporarily saves that Result in RAM. If the Computer shuts down, then this data is also lost. If we are writing a document, then to keep it from being destroyed, we should save our data in between. If saved in Data Hard Drive by saving, then it can remain for a long time.


RAM is measured in megabytes (MB) or gigabytes (GB). The more RAM there is, the better for us.

4. Hard drive

Hard Drive is the component where software, documents, and other files are saved. In this, the data stays stored for a long time.

hard disk seagate 1TB

5. Power Supply Unit

The power supply unit’s job is to take power from the main power supply and supply it to other components as per the requirement.

PC smps VS450 corsair

6. Expansion Card

All computers have Expansion Slots so that we can add an Expansion Card in the future. They are also called PCI (Peripheral Components Interconnect) cards. But nowadays the motherboard already has many built-in slots—names of some Expansion Cards that we can use to update old computers.

  • Video card
  • Sound card
  • Network card
  • Bluetooth Card (Adapter)
Graphics card MSI 1660 super

Computer Hardware and Software

We can call computer hardware any physical device that we use in our Computer, whereas computer software means the collection of codes that we install in our machine’s Hard Drive to run the hardware.

For example, the computer monitor that we use to navigate, the mouse that we use to navigate, are all computer hardware. At the same time, the Internet Browser with which we visit the website, and the operating system in which that Internet Browser runs. We call such things as software.

We can say that a computer is a combination of software and hardware, both have the same roles; both can work together.

Type of Computer

Whenever we ever hear the use of the word computer, only the picture of personal Computer comes into our mind. Let me tell you that there are many types of computers. They come in various shapes and sizes. We use them as per the requirement, such as ATM to withdraw money, Scanner to scan a barcode, Calculator to do a significant calculation. These are all different types of computers.

1. Desktop

Many people use desktop computers for their homes, schools, and work. They are designed in such a way that we can keep them on our desk. They have many parts, such as Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse, Computer Case.

desktop all in one HP

2. Laptop

You must have known about battery-powered laptops; they are very portable so that they can be taken anywhere and anytime.

Laptop lenovo

3. Tablet

Now let’s talk about Tablet, which we also call Handheld Computer because it can be easily caught in handguns.

It does not have a keyboard or mouse, just a touch-sensitive screen for typing and navigation: example- iPad.

tablet ipad

4. Servers

A server is a computer of some sort that we use to exchange information. For example, whenever we search for something on the Internet, all those things are stored in the server.

Also Read: UPS for Computer: What is UPS, Types Of UPS, 5 Benefits of UPS

Other Types of Computers

Let us now know what other types of computers are.

1. Smartphone

When the Internet is enabled on a regular cell phone, we can do many things using it, so a cell phone is called a smartphone.

2. Wearable

Wearable technology is a general term for a group of devices – including fitness trackers and smartwatches – that are designed so that they can be worn throughout the day. These devices are often called wearables.

3. Game Console

This game console is also a particular type of Computer that is used to play video games on your TV.

4. TV

TV is also a type of Computer which now includes many applications or apps that convert it into Smart Tv. Whereas now you can stream videos from the Internet directly to your TV.

Computer Use – Application of Computer

Where is the Computer used? If seen, we have been using computers everywhere in our lives and will continue to do so. It has become a part of us. I have written some of its uses for your information below.

1. Use of computers in the field of education

They have the most significant hand in school, if a student needs information about something, then with the help of this information becomes available within a few minutes. Research has shown that with computers’ help, the learning performance of any student has increased significantly. Nowadays, sitting at home can be taught with the help of Online Classes.

2. Health and Medicine

It is a boon for Health and Medicine. With its help, patients are treated very quickly nowadays. Nowadays, everything has become digital, which makes it easy to know about the disease, and according to that, it is also possible to treat it. This operation has also become easy.

3. Use of computers in the field of science

This is the Result of science itself. This makes research very easy. Nowadays a new trend is going on, which is also called Collaboratory so that all the scientists of the world can work together, it does not matter that you have a presence in the country.

4. Business

It has a massive hand in-store to increase productivity and competitiveness. It is mainly used in Marketing, Retailing, Banking, Stock Trading. Due to all the things being digital here, its processing has become very fast. And nowadays, more importance is being given to Cashless Transaction.

5. Recreation and Entertainment

It has become a new hangout for entertainment, talks about anything like Movies, Sports or restaurants wherever they are used.

6. Government

Nowadays, the government is also giving more focus on its use. If we talk about Traffic, Tourism, Information & Broadcasting, Education, Aviation, our work in all these places has become very easy.

7. Defense

Their use in the army has also increased to a great extent. With the help of which our military has become more powerful now. Because nowadays everything is controlled with the help of Computer.

There are many places where we use it according to our needs.

Benefits of Computer

By the way, it will not be wrong to say that Computer has made the life of us very comfortable with the help of its incredible speed, accuracy, and Storage.

With this, humans can save anything whenever they want and can find anything easily. We can say that a computer is a versatile machine because it is very flexible in its jobs.

But despite this, we can also say that the Computer is a very versatile machine because it is very flexible in doing its work. At the same time, these machines also have some essential advantages and disadvantages.

Let’s know about them.

1. Multitasking

Multitasking is a huge advantage of a computer.

In this, a person can easily calculate multiple tasks, multiple operations, numerical problems in just a few seconds.

Computers can easily calculate in trillion of instructions per second.

2. Speed

Now it is no longer just a calculating device.

Now it has become an essential part of our life.

Its great advantage is its high speed, which helps it complete any task quickly.

In this, all operations can be done immediately. Otherwise, it will take a lot of time to do them.

3. Cost / Stores do large amounts of data.

It is a low-cost solution. Because in this, a person can save a large amount of data in a low budget. A very high quantity of information can be stored using a centralized database so that the cost can be earned to a great extent.

4. Accuracy

These computers are very accurate about their calculations; their chances of making a mistake are negligible.

4. Data security

Protecting digital data is called data security. Computer protects our digital data from unauthorized users such as a cyberattack or access attack.

Disadvantages of Computer

Now let us know about some disadvantages of Computer.

1. Virus and Hacking Attacks

The virus is a destructive program, and hacking is called unauthorized access in which the Owner does not know about you.

These Viruses can be easily spread through email attachment, sometimes also by USB, or they can be accessed from your infected websites by your Computer.

At the same time, once it reaches your Computer, then it ruins your Computer.

2. Online Cyber ​​Crimes

Computer and network are used to do this online cyber-crime. At the same time, cyberstalking and identity theft are also covered under these online cyber-crimes.

3. The decrease in employment opportunity

Since the Computer is capable of simultaneously performing many tasks, there is a massive loss of employment opportunity.

Therefore, from the banking sector to any governmental industry, you can see that all the computers are given more importance in place of people. Thus, unemployment is only increasing.

Talking about the other disadvantage, it does not have an IQ; it depends on the users at all, it has no feeling; it cannot take any decision by itself.

Computer Architecture

By the way, a lot of technological changes are coming on the computer day by day. Every day, it is becoming more affordable and more efficient and more efficient.

As the need of the people increases, so will there be more changes. Previously it was of the shape of a house; now it is going in our hands.

There will also come a time when our mind will control it. Nowadays, scientists are doing more research on optical Computers, DNA computers, Neural Computer, and Quantum Computer.

Along with this, much attention is also being paid to Artificial Intelligence so that it can do its work smoothly.

As the age is advancing, so is new technology emerging every day. If we have to walk with the world step by step, then we need to know about these technologies. Now the technology that has been coming into the hearing for some time is Cloud Computing.

So what is this Cloud Computing, and what does it do. If you have many similar questions arising in your mind, what is our post called Cloud computing? We will answer every problem related to this technology in great detail.

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Than next part is What is Cloud Computing, Please read

2. What is Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing is the technology in which various types of services are provided using the Internet. These services can be anything, be it any software or storage space on the server or any other service.

Cloud computing means providing any computing service through the Internet on user demand.

If you explain Cloud Computing in easy language, then in this technology, the user is provided with the facility of data storage on a server of the Internet (called Cloud). In such a situation, by purchasing space on the Cloud, the user can save any of his data on it and then access it from anywhere in the world.

Examples of Cloud Computing

Many examples of cloud computing technology exist in the world today. Of which we present a few well-known examples.

  1. Youtube: Millions of videos are uploaded daily on the famous video sharing platform Youtube. In such a situation, YouTube uses Cloud Computing Technology to store so many videos.
  2. Facebook: A famous social media platform like Facebook, which has profiles of billions of people and has many data, Facebook also uses Cloud Computing to keep so much data.
  3. Emails: All the companies providing email services (like Gmail, Rediff, yahoo) and all the companies providing online storage space like Dropbox, Yandex, Media Fire, Mega, etc. Cloud Computing.

History of Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing dates back to the 1960s. The Internet did not even begin properly then. The real beginning of Cloud Computing was 30 to 40 years later, in 1990, when a company called Salesforce started providing services to the people on its website.

Since then, people started understanding its importance, and only after that, they came to know how important it can prove to be in the future. Many years later, this field gained momentum, and by the 21st century, many big companies like Amazon, Google, and Microsoft started offering their services in the area of Cloud Computing.

How Cloud Computing Works

In Cloud Computing, many servers, i.e., computers on which a particular software is installed, are used. They can also be more than one. It has a lot of software.

Cloud Computing works on dual layers technology. There is a separate layer to manage servers called the back end, and another layer that clients use is called the front end. Likewise, both the back end and front end together constitute a complete server for Cloud Computing.

Types of Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing is divided based on two different methods.

(A). Depending on the deployment.
(B) Based on the service provided by the Cloud.

(A) Cloud Computing has the following types depending on the deployment.

Public Cloud Computing

The public Cloud is available to everyone and is managed by the service provider. Public cloud services are often free, or they are rarely charged. Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft azure are all examples of Public Cloud Computing.

Private Cloud Computing

In Private Cloud Computing, services and networks are stored on a private cloud. The user does not have to share cloud storage with any other person like Google Drive is an example of personal cloud computing. Here all your data is protected by your email id and password, and no one else can use your drive in it.

Community Cloud Computing

Community Cloud Computing is available only to a group of people. Apart from this, no other outsider can access this data. For example, only its employees can use the data available on its site for a government office. The students of that university can only use the content available on a website created by a university.

Hybrid Cloud Computing

Hybrid Cloud uses both private Cloud and public Cloud. Some of the content on a site is available only to registered people, and some of the content is available to the public, then such Cloud is called hybrid Cloud.

(B) Cloud Computing has the following types depending on the service provided by Cloud.

Iaas (Infrastructure as a service)

In this type of service, the computing power, storage, software, network power of the Cloud, and the rest of the control is with the user. This service is used for business. The most prominent example of this is VPS, i.e., Virtual Private Server. In which you get software and network as well as computing power.

Paas (Platform as a service)

In Paas (Platform as a service), the user gets only one platform. There can be either storage or computing power; in this, you do not control things completely; only cloud providers can manage them; examples of this are Gmail, Reading, Yahoo, etc.

Saas (Software as a service)

In Saas (Software as a service), you get only one software hosted on a remote server used for a particular work. Small businesses mainly use these types of services. This type of service can contain software such as Google Docs Online or Google Gusuit etc. These are all examples of saas.

Advantages Of Cloud Computing

1. Large storage

In this, all your data is saved on the Cloud, in which you can enlarge your storage according to your wish and requirement.

2. Ease of data access

The most significant advantage of storing data on the Cloud is that you can access it anywhere and from any device. If needed, you can only access your Cloud using an Internet connection.

3. Large processing power

On Cloud Computing, you do not need to compromise with the processing power; you can buy as much processing power as you want.

4. Less Price

In Cloud Computing, you can buy storage space as per your requirement, and you only have to pay that much money. If you need 20 GB of storage, you can buy this much space by paying 20 GB of cash. You do not have to buy a 500 GB hard disk for this.

So here was some vital information related to Friends Cloud Computing. We hope you understand what cloud computing is called. Friends, how did you like this information? Please comment below and tell me. Please share this post and follow us on social media.

Than next part is What is Computer Network? Please read

3. What is Computer Network?

When more than one computer is connected through some medium and shared information, this technique is called a network. This connection can be wired and also wireless; when talking about Wire Medium, it twisted. Pair cable, coaxial cable, and fiber optics cable can be anything. If you talk about the wireless medium, it can be anything from Radio Wave, Bluetooth, Infrared, Satellite.

In computing, a network is a group of two or more devices through which we can communicate. In practice, networks consist of many different computer systems connected by physical and wireless connections. A network is a collection of computers, servers, mainframes, network devices, or other interconnected devices that allow sharing data. An excellent example of a network is the Internet, which connects millions of people worldwide.

Examples of network devices

  • Desktop computers, laptops, mainframes, and servers
  • Console and Thin Client
  • Firewall
  • Bridges
  • Repeaters
  • Network interface card
  • Switches, hubs, modems, and routers
  • Smartphone and tablet
  • webcam

What was the First Computer Network?

ARPANET was the first computer network to use packet switching, which was developed in the mid-1960s. It is considered to be the direct predecessor of the modern Internet. The first ARPANET message was sent on 29 Oct 1969.

Types of Network

1. LAN (Local Area Network)

Its full name is Local Area Network, a network used to connect two or more computers. A local area network is a locally functioning network; it is called a short lane. It is a computer network that covers local areas such as home, office, or building groups.

LAN (Local Area Network)


  • It is limited to one room or one building.
  • It has a high data transfer speed.
  • It does not have to hire external networks.
  • Data is safe in this.
  • It is easy to organize data.

2. MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)

Its full name is Metropolitan Area Network. It is a high-speed network that uses voice, data, and images at speeds up to 200 megabytes per second or more, 75 km. It can be carried to a distance of It is a network larger than LAN (LAN) and smaller than WAN (WAN). Through this network, one city is connected to another town.

Under this, two or more local area networks are connected. It is a computer network located within the boundaries of a city. Routers, switches, and hubs together form a metropolitan area network.

MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)


  • It isn’t easy to maintain.
  • It has high speed.
  • It is 75 km Spans a distance of

3. WAN (Wide Area Network)

Its full name is Wide Area Network. It is an extensive network in terms of area. This network is not only limited to a building, not only a city, but it also serves to connect the whole world, i.e., it is the largest network in which data is sent and received securely.

Leased lines or switch circuits connect computers in this network. This network’s geographical periphery is large, such as a network of networks spread across the entire city, country, or continent. Internet is an excellent example of this. ATM facilities of banks are an example of a wide-area network.

WAN (Wide Area Network)


  • It is a wireless network.
  • In this, data can be sent and received by Signals or Sate light.
  • It is the largest network.
  • Through this, we can transfer data all over the world.

Network Topology

Network topology describes the relationship of interconnected devices in terms of geometric graphs. Each device connected in the network is represented as a corner, and lines represent the connections between them. It describes how many links each device has, in which order, and what type of hierarchy.

Network topology is generally of the following types

  • Ring Topology
  • Bus Topology
  • Star Topology
  • Mesh Topology
  • Tree Topology

Scope of Computer Network

The following are some of the ways a computer network can be beneficial for business.

1. File-Sharing: 

File Sharing is the most common function provided by a network and involves grouping all data files together on a server or servers.

When all the data files of an organization are stored in one place, it is easy for employees to share (share) documents and other data. It also helps systematically arrange files.

Network operating systems also help restrict restricted access to these files only for authorized personnel, i.e., those who have the rights to work on the system (authorized personnel).

2. Print Sharing:

In a network environment, a printer can be shared by multiple users. This can reduce the number of printers that the organization must purchase, maintain, and supply. Network printers are often faster and more capable than printers that are connected to stand-alone computers.

3. Email:

Internal or “group email” enables employees in the office to communicate with each other quickly and effectively. Group email applications also provide capabilities for contact management, scheduling, and task assignment.

4. Fax Sharing: 

When a shared modem is directly connected to a network server, it can send/receive faxes now. With this feature, users can fax documents (without any need for printing them onto paper) directly from their computer without the need to print them on paper. Incoming faxes can also be handled by the network and sent via email directly to users’ computers. It is not necessary to print a hard copy of every fax with this facility.

5. Remote Access:

Sometimes employees may need to access their email, documents, or other data from remote locations. This feature allows users to dial into their organization’s network via telephone and access all network resources as if they are in the office.

6. Shared Databases:

It is a subset of file sharing. If the organization maintains an extensive database – for example, membership, client, grants, or financial accounting database – a network is the only effective way to provide a database to multiple users at the same time.

7. Fault Tolerance:

Establishing Fault Tolerance is a process that ensures that there are multiple lines of defense against accidental data loss. An example of unintentional data loss can be a hard drive failure or deleting a file by mistake. A network can be prevented by maintenance of redundant hardware, tape library, UPS, etc.

8. Internet Access and Security:

When computers are network-connected, they can share a standard network connection to the Internet. It facilitates email, document transfer, and access to resources available on the World Wide Web.

9. Communication and collaboration:

A network helps employees share files, view other people’s work, and exchange ideas more efficiently. In a large office, anyone can use email and instant messaging tools to communicate quickly and communicate messages for future reference. Could store.

10. Organization: 

Network scheduling software helps in arranging meetings without continually checking everyone’s schedule. This software usually includes other helpful features such as shared address books, to-do lists, etc.

Than next part is What is Computer System Please read

4. What is Computer System?

Computer system A computer system is a set of integrated devices that input, output, process, and store data and information. In this, you are given brief details on Computer system parts, Examples of computer systems, Computer system types, What is Computer system and its types, Components of a Computer system, etc.

A computer system uses computer peripherals or input/output devices to interact with its surroundings. Computer peripherals can be broadly divided into input devices, output devices, and input/output devices.

1. Starting a Computer

The desktop/laptop can be started by pressing the “ON” button. Typically, the desktop/laptop has a power (On / Off) button on the front. Follow these steps to start your computer:

  • Step 1: Find the ‘ON’ button on the computer; it can appear as shown in the picture below (but can also be Square or Rectangular).
  • Step 2: Press the button. On some computers, the button lights up in the ON / ON state of the computer. On a laptop, there is often a light on the front. If the desktop is connected to the monitor, make sure the monitor is powered on. Most computer monitors have an ‘On / Off’ button at the bottom corner of the screen. The button is often illuminated with a green light when the monitor is on.
  • Step 3: Now you have to “Log in” on the computer. If you are the only user of your computer, then it can be accessed directly on the desktop when it starts. But if you are using a public computer — for example, in a library or cyber cafe — you will be given instructions on how to log in.

If you share your computer with other people, then a separate login account will be created for each user.

2. Major Components of a Computer system

Computer System – Definition

A computer is an electronic device. Computers are made up of devices that input, process, and store data and produce results in the desired format. Data means Raw Facts and Figures. Data is input into the computer through an input device, such as a keyboard, and stored in the computer’s memory.

It then processes according to the set of instructions given. The computer displays the result through an output device, such as a monitor. The computer processes the data and produces information.

Computers can understand only electronical signals such as ON and OFF, where ON means circuit ON and OFF means course OFF (Binary Signals).

Computer Information System

A computer is part of an information system. The information system has five elements –

  • Data
  • The hardware
  • Software
  • Procedure
  • People

People: – People or people are one of the five parts of an information system. Logos can be made more productive and effective through computers.

Procedure: – These are the rules or guidelines that people follow while using software, hardware, and data. Computer experts usually write these processes.

Software: – A program is a set of guidelines and directs the computer how to work step by step. Software is another name for a group of programs.

Hardware: – Hardware is controlled by software. Or device that processes data and converts it into information. This includes a keyboard, mouse, monitor, system unit, and other equipment.

Data: – Raw, unprocessed facts, such as text, number, image, and sound, are called data. Get information from processed data.

3. Hardware Components

It is a general term used to describe any computer system component that has a physical presence and can be seen and touched. Hardware components are often classified as input, output, storage, or processing components.

Devices are not an integral part of the CPU; they are known as external devices. Peripherals are typically used for input, storage, or output (such as a hard disk, keyboard, or printer), as a CPU does not have to be outside the same physical box as a device.

The best example is the hard disk, which is peripheral, although it is not usually placed inside the main case.

Typically in a computer, the processor, primary and secondary memory, power supply, and additional hardware are placed in a metal case. Most of these components are connected to the computer’s main circuit board, which is called the motherboard.

The power supply is the power supply component for most of the details. All external devices, such as keyboards, monitors, etc., are connected through connectors on the back of the case.

The Major Hardware Component of a Computer System is

  • Processor
  • Input device
  • Output device
  • Main Memory
  • Secondary Memory

The processor is an electronic device made of silicon squares and a silicon class made of millions of small parts. A processor can have arbo transistors.

It performs fundamental computing within the system and directly or indirectly controls all other components. The processor is sometimes called a central processing unit or CPU.

A computer has a particular type of processor, such as Pentium, Intel Core (Intel Core-i3 / i5 / i7), Gion (Xeon), or Spark Processor.

4. Software Components

A computer system’s software component has no physical presence; They are stored in digital memory in digital memory; these are data and computer programs.

The computer program is the instruction for the processor, while the data needs a plan. There can be many types of data such as character data, numeric data, images, audio data, etc.

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