What is ISI Mark? Know Full Information about ISI Mark

What is ISI Mark? You must have heard a lot about this thing in the days to come. You will also want to know what this ISI Mark is whenever you buy some household goods or electronic goods in the market like gas stove or gas regulator Or more like this, you get to see ISI Mark there.

What is the ISI Mark? Know Full Information about ISI Mark, isi mark full form

The shopkeeper tells you to take this item with ISI Mark in it, if you do not know what is ISI Mark, then you will think here that this ISI Mark item will be much better than the rest, so today we will give you this topic We are going to tell you so that you also get to know about it.

What is ISI Mark

Let me tell you that this is a certificate that the company gets for the product. The full form of ISI is the Indian Standards Institute which means Indian Standards Institute. There are many such government standard institutes in India which test many such products properly.

If you are making any such product and want to show that your product is 100% safe and 100% quality product, you have to apply to the Indian Standards Institute to prove it, after that, you will have your effect on their submission.

ISI Mark Full Form

Indian Standards Institute

How to Get ISI Mark Certification

In the Indian Standards Institute, your product will pass through all types of standards, i.e. your effect will be examined very closely. If the Indian Institute of Standards passes your product, then a certificate of ISI Mark is given for your product. You can sell your product in the market with the certificate of Indian Standards Institute Mark.

Whenever a company makes a similar product, it sends its product to the Indian Standards Institute for quality tests. The product is given an ISI Mark certificate for that product after a thorough examination. Are given. So in this way, the certificate of ISI mark is given to the product.

ISI Mark Price

The Fee Structure for New Application

  1. Application fee for grant of registration – Rs. 1,000.
  2. Processing fee of Rs. 25,000 (including one test report). For additional test reports included with the application, an additional processing fee of Rs. 10,000 per test report will be charged.
  3. Annual Registration Fee Rs. 1,000 X 2 (for two years validity) = Rs.2,000
  4. Total = Rs. 28,000 + applicable service tax (for one test report).

ISI Mark Official Website

Bureau of Indian Standards- www.bis.gov.in


Now you must know what ISI Mark is or what ISI Mark is and how it gets to the product. Whenever you get the product, if you see the Indian Standards Institute mark on the product, assume that it is 100% quality. And it is a safe product. All products with ISI Mark have gone through a lot of scrutiny at the Indian Standards Institute, so you should always buy the product with ISI Mark.

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