Best Hero Wars Characters: Guide to Building Your Dream Team

Are you tired of constantly losing battles in Hero Wars? Are you struggling to build the perfect team to take on your opponents? Look no further! In this ultimate guide, we will be sharing our top picks for the best Hero Wars characters to help you build the ultimate team and dominate your opponents.

Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, we’ve got you covered. Our team of experts has scoured the game to find the most powerful and versatile characters that can be used in any situation. So, without further ado, let’s jump right in!

Best Hero Wars Characters
Best Hero Wars Characters

Best Hero Wars Characters: The Ultimate Guide to Building Your Dream Team


Hero Wars is a mobile RPG that has taken the gaming world by storm. In this game, you can build a team of up to five characters and battle against other players in various game modes. Each character has unique abilities and stats that can be upgraded and customized to fit your playstyle.

Building a well-rounded team is crucial to your success in Hero Wars. Your team should consist of tanks, damage dealers, support characters, and control characters. Tanks are essential for protecting your team from enemy attacks, while damage dealers deal the most damage to your opponents. Support characters provide healing and other useful buffs to your team, while control characters have the ability to stun or disable your opponents.

In the following sections, we will be sharing our top picks for each of these categories to help you build the ultimate team.

Top Tanks

Tanks are the backbone of any successful Hero Wars team. They have high health and defense stats and can absorb damage from enemy attacks. Our top picks for tanks are Galahad, Aurora, and Cleaver.

Galahad is an excellent choice for a tank due to his high health and defense stats. He also has an ability that allows him to absorb damage and heal himself at the same time. Aurora is another great tank that can protect your team with her shield ability. She also has a passive ability that reduces the damage your team takes from critical hits. Cleaver is a versatile tank that has the ability to silence and stun enemies. He also has a passive ability that allows him to resurrect once per battle.

Best Damage Dealers

Damage dealers are crucial for taking down your opponents quickly. They have high attack stats and can deal massive damage to enemy teams. Our top picks for damage dealers are Keira, Satori, and Dorian.

Keira is a versatile damage dealer that can deal physical or magical damage depending on the situation. She also has a passive ability that allows her to deal extra damage to enemies with low health. Satori is a powerful mage that can deal massive magical damage to your opponents. He also has a passive ability that allows him to absorb enemy energy and increase his own damage. Dorian is a unique damage dealer that also provides healing to your team. He can also increase his attack speed and damage with his abilities.

Best Support Characters

Support characters provide healing and other useful buffs to your team. They can also debuff enemy teams and disrupt their strategies. Our top picks for support characters are Martha, Thea, and Celeste.

Martha is the best healer in Hero Wars. She has a powerful healing ability that can heal your entire team at once. She also has a passive ability that allows her to heal your team whenever they take damage. Thea is a versatile support character that can heal, buff, and debuff enemy teams. She also has a passive ability that allows her to resurrect a fallen ally.

Celeste is another great support character that can provide healing and debuff enemy teams. She has a powerful healing ability that can heal your entire team and a passive ability that can increase the damage your team deals to enemies that are debuffed.

Best Control Characters

Control characters have the ability to stun or disable your opponents, making them invaluable in battles. Our top picks for control characters are Jet, Krista, and Jorgen.

Jet is a unique control character that can teleport around the battlefield and stun enemies. He also has a passive ability that allows him to heal your team whenever he uses his abilities. Krista is a versatile control character that can stun enemies and deal damage with her abilities. She also has a passive ability that allows her to dodge attacks and counterattack enemies. Jorgen is a powerful control character that can silence enemies and prevent them from using their abilities. He also has a passive ability that allows him to absorb enemy energy and increase his own damage.

Best Hybrid Characters

Hybrid characters have a mix of abilities and stats that make them versatile in battles. They can fill multiple roles on your team and adapt to different situations. Our top picks for hybrid characters are Ginger, K’arkh, and Andvari.

Ginger is a unique hybrid character that can deal both physical and magical damage. She also has a passive ability that allows her to heal your team whenever she attacks an enemy. K’arkh is a powerful warrior that can deal massive physical damage to your opponents. He also has a passive ability that allows him to heal himself and increase his attack speed. Andvari is a versatile hybrid character that can tank, control, and support your team. He has high health and defense stats and can also stun enemies with his abilities.

Best Teams

Now that we’ve covered our top picks for each category, let’s talk about the best teams you can build in Hero Wars. Our top picks for teams are:

  • Keira, Jet, Martha, Celeste, and Thea
  • K’arkh, Faceless, Nebula, Martha, and Dorian
  • Krista, Lars, Jorgen, Martha, and Celeste

These teams are well-rounded and have a mix of tanks, damage dealers, support characters, and control characters. They can adapt to different situations and are versatile in battles.


In conclusion, building a well-rounded team is crucial to your success in Hero Wars. Our top picks for the best Hero Wars characters are Galahad, Aurora, Cleaver, Keira, Satori, Dorian, Martha, Thea, Celeste, Jet, Krista, K’arkh, Andvari, and Ginger. These characters can be used in any game mode and can adapt to different situations. Remember to upgrade your characters’ abilities and stats and to adapt your team to different opponents. With these tips and our top picks, you’ll be on your way to dominating your opponents in Hero

Wars. Don’t forget to experiment with different combinations of characters and find what works best for your playstyle. As you progress in the game, you’ll unlock more characters and abilities, so keep playing and discovering new strategies.

Thank you for reading our guide on the best Hero Wars characters. We hope this article has been informative and helpful in building your ultimate team. If you have any further questions or suggestions, feel free to leave a comment below. Good luck in your battles!

Best Hero Wars Characters


Frequently Asked Questions

Are these the only good characters in Hero Wars?

No, there are many good characters in Hero Wars. These are just our top picks based on their versatility and power.

Can I use these characters in any game mode?

Yes, these characters can be used in any game mode in Hero Wars.

Do I need to upgrade my characters’ abilities and stats?

Yes, upgrading your characters’ abilities and stats is crucial to their success in battles.

Can I use the same team for every battle?

No, it’s important to adapt your team to different situations and opponents.

How do I get these characters in Hero Wars?

You can get these characters by unlocking them in the game’s campaign mode or by purchasing them with in-game currency.

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