10 Lines on My Self for Children and Students

My Self
10 Lines on My Self

10 Lines on My Self

  1. I am Rahul Abinash Sawant of Badambadi, Cuttack.
  2. Mr. Ramesh Ojha is my father and Mrs Puspalata ojha is my mother.
  3. I am 12 year old.
  4. I read in class Eight in PM Academy High school.
  5. I am the best student of our school.
  6. I am the topper of my class.
  7. So the teachers, friends and my family members love me very much.
  8. Maths and science are my favourite subjects.
  9. My handwriting is good.
  10. I always try to be kind, sincere, punctual, gentle and truthful.
  11. Reading different types of books is my hobby.
  12. I want to be an Engineer in future.
10 Lines on My Self
10 Lines on My Self


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